ELC #288 Interactive Table

ELC #288 Interactive Table


For our Choose your eLearning Challenge Topic #288 submission, we created an interactive table, which provides the population, number of COVID cases and number of COVID deaths for five states: PA, GA, NY, TX and FL.

Visual Design

We selected a simple primary-color palette: red, blue and yellow. The design is a simple, block-type, rectangular shape design with shadow effects.


The user clicks on an icon and a slide layer appears, which has the statistic and the percentage relationship of that statistic to the US general population, number of COVID cases and number of COVID deaths. Once the user selects all the icons, the Exit slide layer appears with a brief slide that displays the three things people can do to protect themselves from contracting the coronavirus.

Development Process

We created the table interaction using layers, variables and states. Here’s how we did it.

  1. Lay out the objects on the base layer: columns, column titles, rows, row titles and icons (population, coronavirus cases and coronavirus deaths).
  2. Create a Visited state for each icon, which displays the statistic. (Earth = Population; Coronavirus = Number of Coronavirus Cases; Skull = Number of Coronavirus Deaths)
  3. Create a slide layer for each icon. For example, the first three slider layers are for Florida’s population, number of coronavirus cases and number of coronavirus deaths.
  4. Create a number variable called counter.
  5. On each slide layer, add a trigger with the counter variable that adds a value of 1 each time the timeline begins on that slide layer. Add another trigger that shows the Exit layer when the counter variable reaches 15. So once the user views all the slide layers the Exit layer shows.
  6. On the main layer and for each icon, add a trigger that displays the corresponding slide layer when the user selects the icon. Add another trigger that changes the state of the icon to the visited state, which shows the statistical number.
  7. Add an Instructions slide layer that appears immediately when the timeline on the main layer starts. This slide layer tells the user how to user the interactive table. Add a trigger that hides the Instructions slide layer when the user selects the Continue button.

Development Time

This interaction took approximately three hours to create in Storyline 360.

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